Publications from Ecosystem/Habitat Assessment

  • Eveleens, R. A., & Febria, C. M. (2022). A systematic review of the global freshwater mussel restoration toolbox. Aquatic Conservation, 32(1), 186–198.

  • Eveleens, R. A., Morris, T. J., Woolnough, D. A., & Febria, C. M. (2023). One informs the other: Unionid species at risk and benthic macroinvertebrate community monitoring data are complementary. Facets (Ottawa), 8, 1–13.

    Nolan, S., Frazao, A. A., Hosen, J. D., & Febria, C. M. (2023). Anthropogenic land uses influence stream dissolved organic matter quality more than decomposition rates and macroinvertebrate diversity. Ecological Indicators, 155, 110991-.

  • Frempong-Manso, A., Elvidge, C. K., Woods, S. J., Van de Riet, K., & Cooke, S. J. (2024). Informing the design of fish-friendly shoreline retaining walls for freshwater systems. Environmental Biology of Fishes.

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Fisheries Ecology/Exploitation