FishCAST Cohort 3

FishCAST research themes:

(I) Ecosystem / Habitat Assessment
(II) Fisheries Ecology / Exploitation
(III) Fish Health & Fitness
(IV) Fish Culture

  • Jesus Luis Betancourt


    Cohort 3- Summer 2023

    Jesus Luis is a M.Sc. candidate in Biology at the University of Waterloo, supervised by Dr. Brian Dixon. His research comprehends the study of antimicrobial peptides in fish and shellfish and their potential use as an alternative treatment to antibiotics in Aquaculture. He is interested in fish and shellfish immunology.

    {Research Theme III}

    University of Waterloo

  • Kristen Cyr


    Cohort 3- Fall 2022

    Kristen is a Msc candidate researching the effect of aquatic invasive species on salmonid species within areas that act as cold-water refugia in the Lahave River, NS. This Project is supervised by Dr. Christina Semeniuk and co-supervised by Dr. Fielding Montgomery. Kristen’s research interests include animal behaviour - specifically movement and the driving factors for those movements, applied conservation, and science communication.

    {Research Theme I,II}

    University of Windsor

  • Lauren Damphousse


    Cohort 3- Summer 2023

    Lauren is a PhD candidate in Biology at the University of Windsor and is supervised by Dr. Catherine Febria as a member of the Healthy Headwaters Lab. She is investigating the effectiveness of freshwater mussel translocations, with a focus on those performed in Southwestern Ontario. Lauren’s research will specifically look at mussel community health post-translocation and how it varies across multiple translocation sites.

    {Research Theme I}

    University of Windsor

  • Acacia Frempong-Manso


    Cohort 3- Fall 2022

    Acacia is a PhD candidate studying ways in which shoreline erosion controls can be enhanced to yield conservation gains. This project is supervised by Dr. Steven Cooke and Co-supervised by Dr. Keith Van de Riet. Her research interest include Aquatic ecology, conservation, animal behaviour, and inland fisheries management.

    {Research Theme I}

    Carleton University

  • Olivia May Galloway


    Cohort 3- Summer 2023

    Olivia is a MSc Candidate at the University of Windsor, supervised by Dr. Trevor Pitcher. She is passionate about species at risk conservation and recovery as well as science communication. Her research will investigate how various enrichment factors can influence the reintroduction success of threatened juvenile Lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes.

    {Research Theme III, IV}

    University of Windsor

  • Emily McKenzie


    Cohort 3- Fall 2022

    Em is a MSc candidate at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Dr. Brian Dixon. Their research focuses on antibody production in salmonoids in response to pathogenic microorganisms, as well as investigating the resulting secretion of mucus into freshwater environments.

    [Research Theme III,IV]

    University of Waterloo

  • Markelle Morphet


    Cohort 3- Fall 2022

    Markelle is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto Scarborough, supervised by Dr. Nicholas Mandrak. Their research and GEN-FISH project focuses on comparing environmental DNA to conventional fish sampling methods in challenging conservation applications. These applications include identification of sensitive species in agricultural drains, estimation of fish community composition in nearshore and offshore environments in Lake Huron, and estimation of relative abundance of a declining fish population. Most their research is conducted in collaboration with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation Joint Fisheries.

    {Research Themes I,II,III}

    University of Toronto

  • Ashley Watt


    Cohort 3- Fall 2022

    Ashley is a PhD student being supervised by Trevor Pitcher at the University of Windsor. Her research investigates the use of wild mating behavior and gamete biology for improving captive breeding of imperiled freshwater fish for reintroduction. Her research aims to make contributions to conservation programs focused on captive breeding and reintroduction.

    {Research Theme III,IV}

    University of Windsor

  • Thiranya Weerakoon


    Thiranya is a MSc Candidate at the University of Windsor, supervised by Dr. Catherine Febria. Her research focuses on evaluating the impacts of land-based stewardship on freshwater mussel habitats in the Sydenham River. Her research aims to contribute to federal and local land-based stewardship programs to mitigate erosion-based impacts on freshwater mussel habitats.

    {Research Theme I}

    University of Windsor


Cohort 2


Cohort 4